Happy Birthday Bilwilka

Latest creations

More fabric painting today

This corduroy is in the process of becoming a skirt to keep me warm in Adelaide next weekend. Even looks good inside out 😉 also, more circles, fabric test version!

see see

Back at the makers table

After 4 days out bush and in meetings, it feels good to to be back at the makers table. ‪#‎firstlayers‬ ‪#‎colour‬

T-shirt with printed sewing machines

Mixed results

Mixed results, but learning lots 🙂

I will not lie to you

I will not lie to you

I will not lie to you I have felt the spirit move through me heard her voice calling me on she smelt like urine in the church doorway smoke from...

Melbourne Interplay Celebrating 25 Years

Rebecca Amery and Stephanie Gesling InterPlay in Melbourne

A journey to study Art and Social Change

If you would like to support me to get to InterPlayce please head to http://www.trybooking.com/EWDG or contact me directly for further details.